1、模拟人生秘籍 进入作弊菜单 游戏中按 Shift+Control+Alt+C 然后输入以下密码: ASSERT = Force assert to test AUTONMY # = 改变市民想法 (0-100) BUBBLE_TWEAK = Set thought bubble z offset CAM_MODE = 摄像机开关 DEBUG_SOCIAL = Show social dialogue choices DRAW_ALL_FRAMES ON = 描绘所有帧 DRAW_ALL_FRAMES OFF = 取消描绘所有帧 DRAW_FLOORABLE ON = 显示地板的网格 DRAW_FLOORABLE OFF = 取消显示地板的网格 DRAW_ORIGINS = Show person"s origin DRAW_ROUTES ON = 显示人物的路线 DRAW_ROUTES OFF = 取消显示人物的路线 DUMP_HAPPY = Send person"s recent interactions to file DUMP_MC = Send person"s motive contribution curve to a file edit_char = Open Create-A-Character screen EDIT_GRASS = 改变草的数值 KLAPAUCIUS = 1000美元 GROW_GRASS = 改变草的高度 (0-150) HIST_ADD = Add new family history stat to family history = Dumps family history file HTML = Web page creation toggle IMPORT = Import Family file INTERESTS = 看市民的个性和兴趣 LOG_MASK = 设定事件纪录 lot_size # = Change lot size to # MAP_EDIT ON = 编辑地图开 MAP_EDIT OFF = 编辑地图关 MOVE_OBJECTS = 移动某些物品 MUSIC = 音乐开关 PREPARE_LOT = Fix required lot objects PREVIEW_ANIMS ON = 预览动画开 PREVIEW_ANIMS OFF = 预览动画关 RELOAD_PEOPLE = Total reload of skins, animations, suits, people ROTATION <0-3> = 旋转摄像机 <0-3> ROUTE_BALOONS ON = 打开基本教学 ROUTE_BALOONS OFF = 取消基本教学 SET_HOUR # = 设定时间(1-24),在快迟到时特有用 SET_SPEED # = 设定游戏速度(-1000-+1000) SIM_LIMIT = Set max milliseconds for simulator SIM_LOG BEGIN = Start sim logging SIM_LOG END = Stop sim logging SIM_SPEED <-1000-1000> = 设定模拟居民的速度 <-1000-1000> SOUND = 声音开关 SOUNDEVENT = 声音事件开关 SWEEP ON = Enable ticks SWEEP OFF = Disable ticks TILE_INFO ON = Show tile info TILE_INFO OFF = Hide tile info VISITOR_CONTROL = Toggle to control visitors with keyboard WATER_TOOL= 能在房子周围放水 != 重做上一个密技 ;= 分开多个密码指令 模拟人生2秘籍 按Ctrl+Shift+C键打开秘籍框,输完秘籍后按回车键。
2、 原盘秘籍: 获得1000元模拟币:Kaching 获得50000元模拟币:MotherLode 开关移动物品:MoveObjects on/off 开关衰老:Aging on/off 一次邀请更多的人:IntProp MaxNumOfVisitingSims 3-8 减慢电影拍摄速度:Slwmotion 0-8(0是正常,8最慢) 抬升或降低地面:BoopProp ConstrainFloorElevation true/false 物品连体:BoolProp SnapObjectsToGrid false/true 生死墓碑:BoolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true/false 改变身高:StretchSkeleton (数字) 100%生双胞胎:IntProp ChanceOfTwins 100 更多的休假:Days Off From Work 更多途径的死亡:Sickness And Death。